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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is it safe to paint in my room?

Question: Is it safe to paint in my room!?
My room is about 13square inch!. I love to do oil painting, but my room smell like paint after I've paint something!. Is it safe to live like that or should I go out side; open the window!? what should I go!. BTW, the reason that I stay inside is because I'm a beginner, and I wouldn't want to embarrass myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
not that is not safe to paint like that!. oil paint is extremely toxic and you need as much ventilation as you can get!. opening the window will not suffice!. you need to put a fan in the window to help get fresh air into your room!. i suggest painting in another room in your house that you do not spent a lot of time in so that you can minimalize the risk of breathing in all the toxins!. they also sell a product at art stores that soaks up the toxins from the smell of the oil paints!. they look like little round balls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By inches I'm sure mean feet!. Right!? And yes, it will most likely smell like paint but you can get rid of that as long as you open a window and turn on a fan!. Make sure if you have any small animals like a hamster, you take them out of the room until any fumes are gone!. also, you should not be ashamed if you're not as good as others at something you've never/barely done before!. Good for you for deciding to spend time working on it!.


Abeginner at what!?!?!?!?Open all the windows and doors from top/bottom go for a short right after painting leaving windows open,leave them open overnight or until the smell goes away!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Blessings YahooWww@QuestionHome@Com