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Question: Fish pictures!?
How can I take good pictures of my fish!? I have an 8!.2 mega pixel digital camera, and I LOVE taking good photos of animals & my pets!.

Fish are my favourite animal, and favourite subject to take pictures of, but every time a try to take photos of my baby fish, it gets all blurry because they swim by so quickly!. So I'm wondering how people get their photos to look like this:




Do they like, photoshop the picture or something!? Because I really want to take non-blurry pictures of my baby and adult fish!.

I will choose best answer and all answers will be appreciated!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lighting is the key!. If you are by a window, open it up when the sun is shinning through and take the pictures then!. Try using a higher ISO and opening the aperture all the way!. If you don't have a window by the fish tank, you could hoard lamps around the tank or move the fish in a smaller container towards a strong light source!. Make sure to use the macro lens/setting on your camera!.

Here is a picture of my angel fish that I took when the sun was shinning in through the front door:

It may take a lot of tries, but you should be able to do it with practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What the horse said!. Hiking the ISO will increase noise, though, and if you have to use artificial lights, use ones as close to "daylight" temps as you can find!. Incandescent bulbs will make the color "warm" (yellowish)!. And if you've got fast-moving fish, you'll have to use a faster shutter speed!. Larger aperture will decrease depth of field, too (the depth you pic's in focus)!. Watch for reflections shooting into a tank; the glass will bounce you right back into the lens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

change your shutter speedWww@QuestionHome@Com

You could try just a regular underwater disposable camera from Walgreens!. If you have a scanner you can scan them onto your computer, or you can get a CD made for you!. It would be an alright start to water pictures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com