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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Paintings by Rafaelle or Botticelli?

Question: Paintings by Rafaelle or Botticelli!?
have any of you ever seen the painting, "Lamentation " by Rafaelle
Cassone : wedding procession by Botticelli !?

i went to the museum monday and noted the year they were made and how they were made, but i don't remember what they look like =/ wasn't allowed to take any pictures either

sooo, anyone feel like helping someone with bad memory by reminding me a bit of them !?

(i remember lamentation had like, 6 ppl and oneof them was holding Christ, but no idea who the peopl were and etc!. )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many galleries have shop sections which sell post cards of pictures in their collections!.The galleries that do not will often arrange for a picture to be taken for you!.In some instances I have taken photographs for museums and galleries when they do not have those facilities!.They have often been only too pleased to have good quality photographs taken,especially if they are taken without flash,or studio lights!.If it is a picture that I needed for research I have usually done the shoot for free and given them the rights to the picture in exchange for the use of it for my own non commercial,academic use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend making a search on google images!. Just type in the title and the artist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com