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Question: Art assignment!?!!?
i need to think of a way that i can APROPRIATE the HUMAN FIGURE of the artwork THE SCREAM in an IRONIC way

please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Easy!. Don't over think it!. The key to this assignment is irony!. You have the basic outline or structure!. So think about how you can re-create the scream in various situations!. Take it out of context, have fun!.

For instance, the first thing I come up with is Trailer Park Moderne: Mom in hair curlers, cigarette in one hand , ala Peg Bundy or worse-- posed as Scream!. Six or seven kids fighting and screaming and running amok in background!. The scene is the interior of a trashed double wide mobile home!.

It's cliche, but it's just an example!.

Or perhaps, you want to go commercial!. Create an ad!. Dad just got the cell phone bill and the texting minutes are out of line!. The bill is in the foreground where we can easily see the huge $$$ due!. He's posed in the Scream!.

So you get the idea!.

Take it out of context and have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi!. I'm not quite sure what you mean here- do you have to create an ironic image of the human body that is influenced by the painting 'the scream'!?
If you have to use the figure in the paiting, you might want to take a current photograph (such as from a newspaper etc!.) and photoshop the two together, that could be interesting!.
Hope this was helpful xWww@QuestionHome@Com

What on Earth does that all mean!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com