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Question: My Pictures!?
How do you like my dog pictures i have taken


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

That is most definately the best pic of the bunch!.

I think you need to work on when the best time is to use the flash on your camera!. I own a camera that decides automatically when to use the flash and it really bugs me - most of the time i end up holding it down or covering it up because it's not needed!.

Dogs and cats are a nightmare with the flash even when you do need it, because it's almost assured that their eyes are going to get that glazed-over look!. Really the only way to get rid of that is an editing program like photoshop!.

Other than that you're pictures are really nice; I like them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your dog is just gourgous!.!.!. your very lucky, my dog is only a dalmation!.!.!. i still <3 him!.!.!. lol, he looks like my bf, (hot)!.!.!. love ya, (yet i don't know you) lol chi chiWww@QuestionHome@Com

aww cute i love Rot wheelers there so cute i used to have one ,the first pic of your dog Roxy is good 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats so damn cuteWww@QuestionHome@Com

There VERY Cute:DWww@QuestionHome@Com