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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Look at my Art?

Question: Look at my Art!?

That is My DA account!. please look at my gallery, and tell me what you think!.!.!. join DA as well!. it is a great community!
Thank you Very very much!.
I will be your friend on DA!.!.!.
I also do Request!.!.!. so if you want me to do something for you, tattoo design, drawing, photo shop thing!.!.!. just!. let me know!. I am getting good at photoshop!.!.!.
go here http://www!.photoshoproadmap!.com/Photosho!.!.!.
Pick out the one you like, send me an email with the One you want!.!.!. and a photo to Fix up and I will!. Thank you!.!.!.
My email is By the way Spaz!.zoid@yahoo!.com
trying to get started as a Tattoo artist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
actually this is me again!. I would like to Say!.!.!. that IF you want to Join DA!.!.!. You should tell me your name!.!.!. and I will Add you on to mine!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I admire anyone who can do any kind of art because I wish I could!. Your art is great and I know you will make a great tattoo artist!. Keep up the good work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's very unique and i like it!! :]
keep up the good work!
p!.s!. that pantera t-shirt is awesome xDWww@QuestionHome@Com