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Question: Water colour paints!!!!?
I've just brought some new water colour paints but i dont know how to use them and they didnt have any instructions can you please tell me all you know about using them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Watercolours are thin, water-based paints - meaning they mix with water, blend together in water, and can wash off in water!.

It's a translucent type of paint, meaning that the colours (unless used in layers or mixed with gouche) will not completely obscure the white paper beneath!. So there's a 'light' feeling and look to the colours!.

Remember when using watercolours to start with your lightest colours first!. Whichever parts of your picture you want to remain white, you must not cover!. The best whiteness you can achieve with watercolours is the natural bare whiteness of the paper!. So make sure you leave untouched whatever parts you want to stay white!.
Then start to paint your next lightest colour, and so on, using water and working quickly if you want colours to blend together!. If you do not want colours to mix, you have to leave each layer to dry before starting to work on or near it with another colour!. Otherwise the colours will run together!.

In general, you should try to use the paint pretty quickly, since it dries so fast, and quick brushwork will get the right level of blending and a nice feeling of 'spontaneity'!.

Make sure you have good watercolour brushes, some water, and maybe a sponge/tissue to dab any areas where the paint has run or pooled too much!.

also, if you like, you can use some permanent or zinc white gouache to add touches of white where necessary after the painting has dried!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Experiment with the water colour paints!. Grab a sheet of paper, and experiment!.

Don't make the sheet of paper too wet, or the colours will bleed out everywhere!. I like to only ad a -little- bit of water to the paints!.

If you ad too much water they become runny!. If you ad too little then they work like acrylics and you're just wasting them!.

Don't throw away any paints palettes you've created!. You can easily re-use the colours!.

Some people start out with a pencil outline; but this becomes faded once water has been added!. If you want to re-fine this outline, re-apply it once the paints have dried!. =]

And like yeah!.!.!. Try to experiment on different surfaces!. =]


I hope you have good brushes!. I would first have a little fun and experiment with the paints by testing the values of pigments you can get by diluting the colors w/ water!. Use a large container of water for dark colors, and a separate for white yellow and light pastels!.!. You can also use a spray bottle w/ water to spray the page and create depth!. Be patient let an area dry so the colors dont bleed into one another!.!.!. You can use a hair dryer to hasten the drying!. Keep practicing!.!.!. There are special water color papers for artists!. A little expensive!. when you get good - buy som of it !.!.!. Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's easy, all you do is wet a paint brush, cycle it on the paint (mixing on the lid if you wish to get new colours through combination) and then apply to your paper!.!.!.most people start with a simple pencil outline first, but don't feel you have to, just enjoy being creative!.!.!.(oh and wash the brush between colours)!.!.!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what kind you have!.
The ones I know about, you get your paint brush wet in water and rub the wet paint brush over the color you want until you get the desired consistency and depth of color!.
Then, paint away!!
Happy Painting to You!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just mix a tad bit of water in there, take your brush, and put it onto the paper and paint what you want!. If you want to mix colors, I would suggest learning how to mix colors!. For example, yellow and green make blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all you do is wet your hands!.
get a really big piece of paper!.
take off your clothes!.
pour out all the paint!.
jump in and have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I think you just take a paintbrush and use them or u could go to google!.com to see how to use them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com