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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Perhaps counterpoint or even rebellion? Is Digital fueling a renewed interest in

Question: Perhaps counterpoint or even rebellion!? Is Digital fueling a renewed interest in Classic Film cameras!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Two reasons behind any renewed interest in film cameras you are seeing:

1!. As more people get digital cameras, more people become interested in photography!. That creates interest in the history and what came before digital!.

2!. When technology turns, there will always be people who find enjoyment in doing things the old way!. Both for the joy of doing it and for the retro-coolness factor of doing what others are not doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't for me!.

I never lost my love for 35mm film cameras!.

IMO there would be more interest in using film if people would simply do a mini cost-benefit analysis!. For what it would cost to "go digital" and replicate my 35mm arsenal with comparable digital cameras and lenses, I can buy a lot of film and have it processed!.

I have to admit to getting a chuckle out of those who tout the "instant feedback" of digital photography!. I always ask "If you take a bad picture and don't know why its bad, what good is instant feedback!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not for me!. I haven't shot film in almost a year!. No clients have asked for it and I've been happy with the results of my digital camera!.

I used to keep it around because it had a faster fps than my first DSLR, but since I've upgraded to the "new hotness" I've got an even faster fps than the film camera!.

I'll still keep it though, just because I know that I will need it someday - or until I get a third digital body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is with me!. The fact that so many people are dumping their film gear has made it all incredibly affordable to get some decent used gear!. Seeing how quickly a digital camera can evaluate a scene and create a decently exposed picture inspires some!. "I could do that" sort of thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only amonst the younger newbies that get the bug maybe!. The oldies who had or still have the bug will mostly always have an interest in the classics!.


One can only hope!Www@QuestionHome@Com