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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think I should persue photography?

Question: Do you think I should persue photography!?
Just click on the four albums at the bottom-
Duck Day, Disney World, Atlanta, and Miscellaneous!.
Please be brutally honest!.I'm a big girl!.I can handle it!.

-Thank you all who answer!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah u have talent with a few classes who knows just make sure you enjoy doing itWww@QuestionHome@Com

you definately should!!! I DO A LOT OF WORK close to this! I have been studying phtography for years! I really am going to try my hardest to be a proffesionl photographer! your photos show so many details of different perspectives of a single object and the pictures are amazing! you really should become a pro!! When you hve new photos let me know! We can share photos if u like! Email me at:

In all your albums, there are some weak photos as well as strong ones!. In general, your photographs are pretty good!.

The problem I see is that your photos aren't really original!. The field of photography can be really competitive at times so just keep working on your own personal style!.

Your at a good point right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them are good, lots of them look like you think you're being creative but are the shots everyone does when they are being creative!.

Go back to basics with an SLR and learn how to manipulate film, and developing techniques!. You would learn heaps!.

I think if you want to do it and try and expand you'll get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u need a lot of workWww@QuestionHome@Com

I only looked at 3 or 4 in each album!.

I saw several with blown highlights and several that were slightly out of focus!. In some, the background was distracting -was that blurry object a boat in the distance!? Could you have eliminated it by moving just a foot or two to the right!? Did you even see it!?

Learn the "Rule of Thirds"!. Once you fully understand it then you can ignore it if and when your personal vision requires it!.

Learn to pay as much attention to the background as you do to your subject!. That might be a beautiful flower but the cigarette butt or candy wrapper or plastic bottle that you never saw certainly won't enhance your picture!. Your BF might be really nice looking - if that tree branch or pole wasn't sticking out of his head!. Pay attention to the background!.

Learn to use the aperture to control Depth of Field!. I do a lot of nature photography using Aperture Preferred because I like to shoot at f11 or f16!. I watch the shutter speed the camera selects and adjust my aperture accordingly (when using my 100mm macro I want the shutter speed at 1/125; when using my 16mm ultra wide-angle I know I'm good at 1/30)!.

Check your focus and then check it again!. The tiniest amount of out of focus will be greatly magnified when you enlarge the picture!.

Use a tripod - or monopod - as much as possible!.

Keep working at this fascinating, frustrating thing we call photography!. If you're really bored, my flickr account is under drifter45h!. Feel free to comment!.

"Best wide angle lens!? Two steps backward!. Look for the 'ah-ha!.'" Ernst HaasWww@QuestionHome@Com