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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can the Barack Obama Hope Poster be recreated in Photoshop Elements?

Question: Can the Barack Obama Hope Poster be recreated in Photoshop Elements!?
Looking to do something similar to the Barack Obama Hope/Progress Poster

http://obeygiant!.com/post/obama (scroll to bottom of page for image)

I would love to recreate something similar using a friends picture!.

Is there a step by step guide to recreate in PE or does anyone know the best filters to use to do so in Photoshop Elements!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The effect is called posterisation and a curves adjustment layer can get you close to this, play around an drag the response curve to a flat letter 'M' shape!. The start image is all important to what you will actually get, it needs to be a contrasty 8 bit image!. What you are doing is reducing the bit depth!. Normally you use Photoshop to avoid this!. This site explains how to avoid it, to create your poster do the opposite!.

Do a search on tri-tone and duo-tone as well




You can create all kinds of fantasy in photoshop, even in what America needs for leadership!.Www@QuestionHome@Com