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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where are all the artists when you need them. Any painters out there?

Question: Where are all the artists when you need them!. Any painters out there!?
Nocturnal, I am!. They must be painting and not here on yahoo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a difficulty with most artists to mix business with pleasure!. It can be achieved but you have to be really disciplined!. I have been painting for over 21 years now and sometimes have to work day & night to achieve what I want!.

Aim high, produce quality, never give up!

David Jewell - Fine Artist

Yup, English teachers are known for their knowledge in things like painting method!. Go ahead and ask a method question if you must!. Don't ask me to identify a famous painting though!. Not my baliwick!. Sorrry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

whatdya need ta do!?

I'm a painter!. What's going on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com