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Question: "Generic" photography career questions!.!?
Okay, well I'm writing a career paper for somebody, and it's not for me at all, although in a few years I'll have to be writing my own!.

Anywho, I need to know a few things and unless you answered from opinion plesase provide a link to the site where you got it from!. Thanks!.

Whyat educational requirments may a job in photography reveal for you!?

What are the advancement opportunities that are avaliable with a job in photography!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not clear about what you mean by your first question!. Do you mean "What educational requirements do you need to be able to become a photographer!?"

If so, my answer is: A basic knowledge of elements of design, composition and lighting is all you need!. You can either go for a full certificate course or just attend workshops for starters and practice a lot!. There are also books and free lessons on the internet, if you go the self-study way!. Here are a few links!.


Advancement opportunities!? You are limited only by your will and imagination!.

For starters, you got friends and family, right!? That already amounts to weddings, anniversaries and birthdays galore!.

There is also the royalty-free stock photo market!. Just google "stock photo" and those online sites will pretty much direct you to a section where you can submit pictures and get paid for it!.

And then there are news agencies, travel magazines and art photography!. Possibilities are endless!. But first you need to be good at it before anyone would be willing to pay you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can earn easily from stock photography on the internet, if you think you are good enough and click some really nice photos!. Else for making up a career you can pursue diploma courses in photography!. Moreover we have Mass Commn!. degree which has a specialized field in photography itself!. So if you are quite serious about it, you can give it a go!. All the Best!!Www@QuestionHome@Com