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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why doesn't the camera in my mobile (Samsung D900) take photos properly?

Question: Why doesn't the camera in my mobile (Samsung D900) take photos properly!?
Hello!. I have a mobile set, SAMSUNG D900!. The camera in it was taking photos properly!. The problem is that recently I noticed that the photos that I take with this mobile are reversed, in the sense that they look as if one is looking at a mirror!. e!.g!. if I take a photo for a big title on a shop like TESCO, the writing will be reversed (the left becomes right, and the right becomes left)!. I have my kids always like to play with it and therefore, I am afraid they might have changed something in the setting to make photos look like this!. Could anyone tell me what to do to sort this out and if there is an option that makes me sort out the important pics that I took through this mobile and downloaded to my Pc!? It's urgent!. I'll be grateful if anybody helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had a phone that did that, a couple of years back, and a samsung at that (go figure)!. You have to go into the camera properties menu and change it!. It's been a while since I last had that problem, but I know it is fixable in the menu!. Try capture options, and go from there!. Hope this helps, or at least puts you in the right direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com