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Position:Home>Visual Arts> When taking photos in a cafe or somewhere similar...?

Question: When taking photos in a cafe or somewhere similar!.!.!.!?
I've been commissioned to do a photoshoot for a guy I know, and I'm thinking of doing some of the photos in a coffee shop or cafe!. Should I;

a) Call the cafe ahead of time and ask permission to take photos in their shop

b) Turn up on the day and ask then

c) Just go down the back and snap away

d) Some other, better idea which I haven't thought of

It's not a highly professional shoot, and the only reason I'm making money out of it is so I can put it in my resume!. The guy isn't a celebrity, just someone who wants some nice pictures!. Will these things make getting permission a lot easier!? also, from whatever experience any of you have had, am I likely to get a 'yes' right off, or get turned away!?

Anything else I should know!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it would be good practice to ask the cafe owner first, before the day!. I worked in a bar in japan and we had lots of photo shoots, mainly professional, but they were all organized to be shot before opening hours, or during 'down time' unless customers were made aware!. it would be a impolite for you to turn up in the middle of service, for example!. i doubt you'll be turned away, it may help to explain why you think the cafe is the best place, kind of inflate the owners ego a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For an actual photo shoot get permission!. If you don't and just show up and are told no, it will make you look like you don't know what you are doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is usually best to arrange for permission
but they are public places, and people are all the time taking photos in them!.!.!.
sometimes i ask and sometimes i just tell, and sometimes i say nothing at all and just do my shoot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am assuming the cafe is on private property so technically you do need permission of of the owner!.

Most owners might not worry about it but the owner has the right to ask you to leave the property if they object!. They have no right to make you delete any images or ruin any film of shots you have already taken!.


The use of the photos also becomes significant!. If they are for any promotional or commercial use in some countries a property release might be a good idea!.


also if you make yourself known to the cafe proprietor as a professional and competent photographer you may get some work through them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com