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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What should I look for in my first camera to start a photography portfolio of in

Question: What should I look for in my first camera to start a photography portfolio of infants!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cameras: My favorite brand is Canon, but another good brand is Nikon!. Those are the top two camera brands that professional photographers use!. I have a Canon Rebel XTI and love it!. Your first camera should have a basic lens, probably a 135 mm!. You can buy other lenses after that!. There are two types: basic and professional!. The professional lenses cost more, but will give you a higher quality photo!. The most important part in a first camera is a lens!. The lens controls shutter speed, aperature and other features the camera body cannot!. Another thing after you have bought the body and a couple lenses, consider buying a flash attachment!.
Photography Portfolio: There are three basic rules for creating a portfolio: first impressions, variety or diversity, and sequence and flow!. Have your best photos be first and last!. Remember that less is more; only have your strongest photos in a portfolio!. Try to get another photographer's opinion on what is your strongest, weakest!. {Separate comments about your photos from yourself!.} Develop a style: lighting, framing, lens, etc!. Have diversity in your photos if you want a job; have a concept/theme if you are trying to win a contest!. It's really important that you also get a business card and a website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

more important than a camera is an infant poser to insure that the child is posed upright and you aren't shooting up the noseWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would try to find something light and not too cumbersome, because you're going to be up and down and at all different angles with babies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photographing infants can be a lot of fun and a lot of work!.

The available window to shoot a "happy baby" can be small so you need to make sure your camera is ready!.

1) Has a quick on-time!. (The time between turning it on and being able to shoot)

2) Has a fast auto focus!.!.!.!. sometimes this is a variable of the lens itself in SLRs

3) Has a hot shoe for accessory flashes (the on camera flash will not do!. You need to be bouncing the light to keep the bright light from making your "happy baby" a not so "happy baby"

4) Have plenty of memory, a high burst rate, and a good battery

You will not have a lot of time to fix/change settings on the camera once you start shooting!.!.!.!. You may have to wait awhile to start shooting, but once you start the happy period will probably not last to long!Www@QuestionHome@Com