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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Fonts, anyone?

Question: Fonts, anyone!?
Letters are pretty much everywhere and universal!. So, I assume that you already know what fonts are!. Well, I just want to know:

a!. When it comes to setting/choosing the typeface/fonts (while you're making a poster or typing in Microsoft Word), what would you consider!?

b!. What is your favorite font!? why!?

c!. What do you think about being a typographer (the person who created font) as an occupation!?

Thanks for answering my questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Personally, I use Helvetica, Univers, Gill Sans and Optima quite often!. I tend to like the look of Neo-grotesque and Humanist sans serif typefaces and use those most often!. As far as serifed fonts, Garamond is always a safe choice as is Times Roman!. I tend to dislike slab serif, and try hard to never come into contact with them for personal reasons!.

Favorite font: toss up between Univers and Helvetica!. Specifically, ultra light and light!.

I would assume that getting the foot in the door at a font foundry would be difficult - but if you enjoy creating typefaces and believe you can excel commercially, you might be the next Frutiger!.

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com