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Question: Photography!? Should I pursue it!?

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So first off let me state that I'm seventeen and fairly poor at the moment!. I have a Point & Shoot Sanyo Xacti VPC S500 camera which isn't anything special!. I don't want to invest in a pricey camera like a Canon just yet because I'm not sure if I'm really that good!. I've never had a class or anything, but I may take some courses this summer and next year through my school!. People have told me that they like my work, but they really know like nothing about "photography!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have a good eye and creativity and have produced some photos that are professional looking!. This just further proves that an expensive camera is not needed to capture a good image!. While not all images are stellar, I wouldn't expect them to be!. You're still learning! And besides, any pro who doesn't think they've taken a bad image is only fooling themselves!.

If you are interested in photography, I would consider taking a class at a local community college!. You'll learn the basics and will have the chance to speak with others with the same interest as you as well as learn from a working professional!. You may need to have an SLR type camera to take the course, or you may not!. It is highly dependent on the program!. Some programs focus on 35mm camera only, others on DSLRs, others will allow you in with a P&S!. Call around and ask!.

If after taking the course, you find that you enjoy photography - then save up and buy an entry level DSLR!.

Call up local photographers who specialize in an area of photography that you like and ask if they are looking for photo assistants!. You are likely to find that commercial photographers (those shooting product, fashion, advertising, architectural) are looking for assistants!. You might have to offer to work for free the first couple of times, but eventually you'll know enough to ask for a day rate!. This is a great way to learn - from the bottom up!.

Find the local chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers http://www!.asmp!.org and ask if they have an assistant's list!. Attend a meeting - meet people - ask questions - network!. You'll find lots of pros who are willing to talk to you and perhaps would allow you to assist for them!.

Keep shooting and keep learning!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It does pay good Im trying to do the same

I'm great taking pictures of just about anything

Your good at taking pictures but you do have more to learn on the possessions to snap a shot at and getting better angles when at close up shots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your a brilliant photographer

the lighting and color is great, except if you would angle the camera a bit more instead of a straight shot that would be even better

also, try to make the poses look more natural instead of 'posed'

it gives the picture a more comfortable and interesting feeling

try looking cameras up on Amazon, read the majority of the reviews of products your looking at and buy the one that seem right to you!. dont be put off by one random horrible review, the only problems you should focus on are ones stated a few times

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com


yeah man!

you had great animal pictures!.!.!.
and they're really hard to do!

great angles!.!. interesting poses!.!. i really like them!

and the chalk art was my favorite!.!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them look like normal pictures but some look professional!. I like the one with the bananas and kiwi!. I think you should take the course first and see if you like it and if you want to pursue a career in it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them were absolutely amazing and some were a bit boring,but it's evident you have a talent!. If I were you I'd take a course or enter contests to see how I match up with others and if it is something you truly love to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally think if you can take courses, plz take them! your photos are not focused and are not that great!. This year I took a pofessional photography class and would love to teach you some basic know hows and some details on photography!. I added you and i am now on ur frends list!. plz email me so i can send you the info, anybody else need help, just add me, email me and ill get right to ya!Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!! your a fantastic photographerr!.!.
yes, you should definitately pursue itt =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

The question of whether you should pursue photography is up to you!. Photography is a big investment of time and money, and for most people, ends up with them losing out!. Photography is a saturated market, making it very difficult to make a profit!. Even those with years of schooling might find it difficult to make ends meet!. Most people pick up a few hundred dollars or less a year!. The camera you have will not do for any "real" photography, so I would suggest buying a film SLR!. also, any DSLR will be pricey, not just a Canon!. Look into the other brands: Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it i really like the one you werent to sure about!.!.you know the one wih your friend and your other friend kissing i like that one idk why though!.!.!.i love your pictures though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're off to a really good start!. i'd say work more on un-posed pictures though!. your more candid ones of the animals and such are great!. i'm not an EXPERT on photography, but i am trying out for yearbook and attended a few short classes here and there!. i think you definitely have the potential!.
plus even if you don't take it up as a profession, it's still a great hobby to have!. so go for it! :]

p!.s!. i live in pittsburgh tooo! i recognized a ton of those places without captions!. haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should 'watch' me on my deviantart website!.
