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Question: What is the fastest way!?
what is the fastest way to learn how to draw anime!? i feel like one of the only peeps who cant draw anime!. books dont work for me!. thnx for answering!. XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why don't books work!? I mean, sure, they can get frustrating, trying to understand what it is saying, but they overall are good!.

Of course, the answer would be to practice!. I started when I was!.!.!.8 or 9!. I was not good with curves, my proportioning sucked, I didn't do hair, or even clothes well at all!. I'm older now, at 15, and I am better now!. Guess what!? I practiced!. It's not an overnight thing!. Practice everyday with things that you have trouble on!.

Eyes are good to start with!. There are many ways to draw manga-styled eyes, and you can find the way you like to draw them as you practice!. Try making different expressions with just the eye and eyebrow!. As you continue, add a nose to compliment the eyes!.

The mouth would be next!. The mouth shows expression too!. Go with that, and make expressions there too!. Once you have the hang of it, put it with the eyes and nose!.

The all-around face is next!. Make shapes that go with the mouth, nose, and eyes!. Proportioning them is key!. Add hair, too!. Start simple, then go crazy with the hair!.

The body comes next!. Start with each individual part, and then start adding them together!. Work on a variety of thickness and length, to add to your character!.

It seems as if I'm ranting, I know!. But these are essential steps to work on!. Drawing manga is harder than it seems!. It takes practice with finding your own style!. also, find a character you like, and try to draw them!. That is how you get started!. Do NOT draw what you see, as it may lead you to copying it, and the designer of that character's style!. Draw the character the way YOU want it!. Make it similar to the original, but not the came!. Never copy it!. Just practice!.
Hope my answer helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice practice practice!. I used to be crap at drawing, and now I'm not half bad!. Take an anime style that you like, detailed like Pet Shop of Horrors or simpler like Yotsuba&!, and try to copy the pictures from it!. You'll sunconsciously start using techniques from them to make your pictures work!.

also, try experimenting with a lot of different things!. I personally experiment all the time with different eyes, because to me that's the most important!. But it's also important to experiment with different poses, and outfits!. You don't want to get stuck only able to draw one person in one pose and that's it!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com