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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Know any poses I could use for my Myspace Pictures?

Question: Know any poses I could use for my Myspace Pictures!?
I have a webcam in my room, and here lately I guess you could say that I've been creative!.


Usually I just angle the camera right above my head, only that's getting old =/

Me/friend take alot of pics together!. He's the one who helped take those mirror pictures of me!.
I have tons of rock band posters hanging in my room, a stero, my electric guitar, my computer/computer desk, my bed (no naked/nasty photo's!.!.!.!.sorry, I'm too young for that) and my dresser!.

Hope that helps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
check your friends and other people's myspace pics and see which pose looks nice!. Choose the one that you think is the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

Look on One Model Place and Model Mayhem for ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can't see photo, work on different light directions for something unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com