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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I be a professional photographer (pics)?

Question: How can I be a professional photographer (pics)!?
I have been photographing stuff for about 6 months now!. I like it a lot, and everyone says I'm good at it!. But they don't know what makes a good photographer good!. I need some tips from those who know the dog-eat-dog part of it!. I have some sample shots of stuff I've done!. I know its not good, but no one is a professional after 6 months either!. Some of its artistic, some of it is people taking!.


I have others in my photostream if you're interested!. Anyway, I'm not really looking for ways to make my photos better, but I am looking for ways to get paid for doing this :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, you DID say you weren't looking for ways to make your photos better!. The problem with selling images is the market is saturated with good images, but also with mediocre or average photos from people who have a decent digital camera and think the next logical step is making free money!. Most of the latter category of people won't be in the business long, if you can't produce reliably, then failure is very likely!.

First off is acquiring the technical and artistic skills needed, and some equipment!. You were right when you said your work is not at a professional level yet!. How do you plan on getting there!? Best to attend formal classes in photography school, but you can self-teach, just expect a longer and more arduous road!. You have gotten some good advice already from some respected people here on YA!. Follow through and good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You dont need a DSLR to be a photographer most of my friends only shoot film!.!. try taking some film classes!.!. start with an internship move up from there!.!. my friend started by doing stupid favors for people and now works for a pritty popular magazine and website here in LA!.!. (his year of couch surfing on my couch finally payed off by him taking me out and stuff he makes more money than me)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have some great shots in your collection!.
the black and white tree shot is brilliant!. it stands tall and proud and all by itself!.
you have potential!.
contact a professional photographer and ask if you can go on a photo shoot with him!. he will teach you alot whilst undertaking his work!. otherwise do a school based course and see where it takes you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your images need to be better to be paid its a compeditive industry where every tom dick and yannis has a DSLR!. Pros need to be able to deliever pro standard images everytime, they do this with the knowledge they have - self taught or schooled (tools are incidental) - both methods require others to help in the learning process - just like learning 2 + 2 = 4!. - know anyone taught themself that!?

So learn about light and lighting and photography before you try and dog eat dog (where are you from mars!? - we are collegues in this industry)!. To make cash you must be less arrogant and learn the craft like a builder or plumber or any other professional does - or else they are just cowboys who fade away!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.a few bad jobs and no one will hire them again!. - you dont want to be better!? - you dont want to be better!?


#1: DO learn about composition!. The concept is good but it WILL improve with attention!.
#2: Boring but, yet again, you have your subject positioned in the frame where it provides the least visual power!. Composition!!
#3: Boring again!. See comment/s above!. Find out about the Rule of Thirds, for example!.
#4: Has potential!. There is a serious crop wanting to be done!.
#5: Oh Dear!

You say that you are not really interested in knowing how to get better !.!.!. you NEED to get better before anyone would consider paying for your work!. Concentrate on learning the business and improving your photography!. Get better!. You really need to get much better than this - or give up NOW!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you really want to improve and formal classes are not possible, you have no choice except to self-teach!. This is the hardest way to learn photography but it can be done!.

I suggest this book to everyone just starting with photography, whether film or digital!. Although it may seem "dated" (actually it is) it will help you understand f-stops, shutter speeds, composition and light!. "Object & Image: An Introduction To Photography, Third Edition" by George M!. Craven!.

These will also help:
"Hands-On Digital Photography" by George Schaub
"How Digital Photography Works, Second Edition" by Ron White

You should also make every possible effort to find a professional photographer who needs an assistant!. Work for free if you have to!. Getting paid for your photography will come later!.

Another good option is the New York Institute of Photography (nyip!.com)!. They offer correspondence courses and have been in business since 1910 so they must be doing something right!.

Before buying any DSLR, I strongly suggest taking the time to read reviews of all the different models in your price range!. Go to digitalcameraguide!.com and compare the offerings from Sony, Pentax, Olympus, Nikon, Olympus, Fuji, Sigma and Canon!. You just might find that there are comparably priced DSLRs that offer more features and benefits than the D40 - like in-camera Image Stabilization and AF capability with more lenses!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoy surgery!. I'm not really good at it and it's too expensive to go to school for it, but do you think I could get paid for it , anyway!? I have a sharp Exacto knife!.Www@QuestionHome@Com