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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Some creative ideas for old t-shirts?

Question: Some creative ideas for old t-shirts!?
some things like this:

best answer goes to whoever has the most, best ideas!.

I am open to the craziest ideas!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could try opening a picture of something on photoshop!. Then put up the contrast and make the picture black and white!. Print it!. Cut out the negative space then use whats left as a spray paint stencil for the shirt!.

If you have a black t-shirt try using a bleach pen to write on the back or front of the shirt!. It will give it a cool look!.

Iron-on transfers also give you a world of possibilites but they aren't very high quality or out of the box!.

Another idea you can try is getting your shoes, dipping the bottom of them in paint them walking on top of your shirt!.

GOOD LUCK :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have seen some really interesting cushions made out of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cut the t-shirts into strips, then braid them into a rug or latch hook (or rya) it and make a vest out of it!.
tie strips together and wind them up, then when you have a lot, crochet somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com