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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What Do You Want 2 See In Photogrqaphy?

Question: What Do You Want 2 See In Photogrqaphy!?
Landscape, Wildlife,Family Poitraits,Celesial,Porn is Absolutley Not Allowed as a answer here- Seeking opinions/prefrences of Yahoo people-Can Ya Help!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OK!. First, I like black and white!. It's very emotive!. And classic!. I like photos of all kinds of vehicles, like trains, planes, cars, I like them photographed in dramatic settings, like under dark clouds, dramatic settings, I like B and W photos of unique architecture like bridges, I like dramatic pictures of ordinary things, like low-level shots of things that are normally photographed straight on!. I have a million more things I like to see in photos!. This is some of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do like celestial!.but will settle for clever use of optics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm used to seeing alot of portfolios with extreme shots such as loads of landscape, lingerie, maybe process of promoting clothes, alot of!.!.!. "head shots" , and then there's your body shots - and I love to see photography that hasn't been edited yet "no retouching, etc!."
just natural!.!.!. it's beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Halle Berry is what I would enjoy seeing in a photograph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the above!?!? A beautiful photo can be, simply very beautiful beautiful!. I'd say any photo that has honest, unadulterated, stunning beauty, and hopefully in way you have never seen it before; that is great photography!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vintage meets modern with creative anglesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Other peoples vacation pictures!. I enjoy a good nap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not really sure what you are asking here, putting your question into plain, simple English might help old folks like me understand better, If you are asking what sort of photographs that I enjoy looking at, I like a wide variety!. I am a lab manager, so I see lots every day (albeit many are poorly done)!. My favorite category is landscape/scenics, followed closely by nature, then wedding, portrait (including pets) and abstract!. I love a well done astral image, too!. For myself, I shoot landscape, travel, and the grandkids!. I don't have the patience or the equipment for nature photography!. Why do you exclude porn!? There is a lot of porn produced, in both still imaging and movies, and someone must like to look at it! Either a few people are looking at a LOT of it, or!.!.!.draw your own conclusion!

If you are asking what trend in photography in general I'd like to see, that's a little harder!. I, for one, am really tired of people thinking that their first decent digital camera (dSLR or not) automatically makes them a photographer on a professional level!. But everyone's vision, including my own, of what makes a piece of art is subjective and different!. Certainly I wouldn't want to discourage cutting edge new artists, or encourage mediocrity!. I am afraid that mediocre is an adjective I apply more and more often, though!. This is one person's opinion, take it for what it's worth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want to see an image that coveys something to me emotionally!. This is one way as a human I can relate to another human, I can say, "Yes, I have felt like that, too!" or "Now I understand how YOU feel!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like a lot!.!.!.
1!. It should be clear!. I hate it when they take a picture with a shallow depth of focus!.
2!. It should be pretty!. Nobody wants a poster of an abandoned warehouse on their wall!.
3!. Any subject is good - astronomy, nature, architecture, travel, people, the one you said isn't allowed,
4!. It should be different!. An artist should come up with something new and unexpected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com