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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's wrong with my camera?

Question: What's wrong with my camera!?
I have an old manual camera (an old Minolta) that used to be my dad's!. The timer wasn't working on it, and it had some issues, so I got it repaired, and everything was working fine!. Just recently, it started having new problems!.

Now every time I advance the film, the whole viewfinder goes black until I take the shot!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe the mirror is sticking in the upward position!. That would block the viewfinder!. Remove the film, pop the lens off, then hit the shutter button while looking where the lens was!. You should see what the mirror does!. If it's sticking, it might be the foam padding degrading and turning into sticky goo!. All it would need is a good cleaning and replacing of the foam parts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you do need to have the camera repaired !.!.!. the good news is if the cost of repairing is under $125, you will have a great 35mm camera which you should enjoy for years to come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com