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Position:Home>Visual Arts> B/w infrared film compared to regular b/w film?

Question: B/w infrared film compared to regular b/w film!?
are there any differences in developing b/w infrared film to b/w film!? because i want to use some in my b/w class but idk if i would be able to develop it there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's a lot of difference in handling the film!. It fogs very easily under circumstances that won't fog other films!. You need to open the film canister, load and unload the film in a darkroom!. Once it's in the canister after you've used it, keep it in there until you're in another darkroom!. Don't use any safelights in your darkroom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always used the same process!. Just be sure that the room is really dark when you put the film in a tank!. You can't see IR in the room like visible light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com