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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Has anyone every freelanced for a greeting card company?

Question: Has anyone every freelanced for a greeting card company!?
I am working on submitting some of my artwork to greeting card companies in hopes of getting some freelance work!. Has anyone done this before!? What is the proper why of going about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think this is a good idea unless they've asked you to send something their way!. If you send them unsolicited graphics they might just use them and never give you credit (yes, theft)!.

I would recommend looking at Hallmark's website (or whoever you're interested in) and trying to find a contact number, then ask the receptionist for somebody in the sales department, or a product/ project coordinator, or as a last resort, someone in their art department and they should be able to tell you right away whether they're looking for any free lancers!.

Books A Million, Boarders, Amazon!.com etc!. all have "getting started" books for illustrators, writers, and so on, so that would also be a great place to look!. These books can also give you addresses for agents who can be the middleman for your designs (some big companies won't speak to individuals who don't have an agent) and what kind of money you can expect to make/ or what kind of money you can demand!.

If you'd like to see your art on greeting cards and don't mind selling them yourself, you can contact the company I work for ( http://www!.nationalmediaservices!.com ) and see if the printing and packaging is worth it to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not and this is not the proper way to solicite ANY company for design work!.

To learn about properly working in design for freelance, come visit the design forum I am a part of!.!.!.really wonderful professional designers and illustrators on there who will be MUCh more helpful that the ding dongos you will find on here (there ARE a select few designers and artists on here that are great, but most are not)!.


best of luck!.!.

ps the best way to do this is to build a portfolio of work, and display it online - best is your own personal website!. Then you contact the company via a nice intro/email letter!. and send a link to your folio!. You can also call a company direct and try and set up an in-house portfolio review if you do not have a site!.!.!.but that'll turn away potential business!. :) Best of luck to yoU!Www@QuestionHome@Com