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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do people think a B.A. in Art is frivolous?

Question: Why do people think a B!.A!. in Art is frivolous!?
I am graduating in 2 weeks from my University with a B!.A!. in Art/Photography and I feel like some people don't think it's real!. I completed an internship in conserving old artwork, and have been prepped in museum/gallery protocol, which is what I want to go into!. Must be nice to have a cake-walk Marketing or Business degree, where you can just go home to read the material for class!. Art majors have to be at the school, in the darkroom, graphics lab, printmaking, ceramics, etc!. We don't get our degrees by sitting at home and reading!. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of reading to do for the foundation courses, plus all the other general/elective courses!. Art majors are the ones who are at the school from 8 a!.m to 10 p!.m (or later!), rockin it out, and ultimately coming out with a more well-rounded education than most!. I just wonder why so few people understand the commitment to a degree in Art!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Both of my sisters have a BA in the arts!. One in photography and the other in fine arts/painting/illustration!. I know just what you are talking about!. With studio time and projects that have to be completed, the art student puts in more time than pretty much anyone else on campus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Business is hardly a cakewalk, why are you making such an assumption yet seemingly upset when others make the same assumption over your own course of study!? No major or concentration is inherently frivolous, people will just have their own preconceptions about different ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are just lame!.!.seriously!. I think so many of the schools have phased out the arts in their programs, due to budget cuts!. It's just not a priority, and they are probably just ignorant!. Ignore them!.!.you have worked hard, congrats! There are some, once you get a job, who will understand and give you the respect you deserve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hear I forget,

I see I believe,

I do I understand!.

So to answer you how can people understand an arts degree if they have not done one!? How can you understand a marketing or business degree without doing one!?

Have a martini and chill!.


It's because they've been raised to believe in an excessively commercial, utilitarian (and incredibly misguided) concept of education!.

It's a problem, definitely!.

But at the same time, don't diss the soft sciences (which is what business and marketing are)!. The fact that they're highly valued by some of the wrong people doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them!.

And keep in mind that the value of a course is ultimately in what you can get from it, not how hard you work for it!. If a certain course seems easier to you than others, that's fine, but it doesn't mean that the fact that you see your own course as harder gives it any more credibility!.

It already has credibility of its own, so it doesn't really need you to go to bat for it, purporting an attitude that also seems a bit misguided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com