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Question: Web Designer!?
I am trying to start a Slide Show/Wedding Photograraphy business and I am looking for a Creative Web Designer who can create a web site from scratch!.
I need someone that is affordable!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The easiest way for a novice to build a web site is to start with a web template!. Web Templates can be customized and you can use the layout but swap the graphics etc!.!.!.!. this will get you comfortable with basic HTML design and an HTML editor (like Dreamweaver)!.

Here are some resources for free or inexpensive templates that are easy to edit and manage!.

Webmaster Templates - http://www!.webmaster-templates!.net
Free Web Templates - http://www!.freewebtemplates!.com/
Web Design Elements - http://www!.webdesign-elements!.com
Free Website Templates - http://www!.freewebsitetemplates!.com/
Free Layouts - http://www!.freelayouts!.com/
Free Templates Online - http://www!.freetemplatesonline!.com

HTML website templates can significantly ease the burden of designing and creating websites by providing webmasters with a ready-made web layout, structure, basic graphics, and color scheme!.

The templates can generally be edited and customized with any HTML editor!. The biggest advantage for webmasters using ready-made templates is the amount of time that can be saved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not a web designer, but if you want to try making the web site by yourself, you can use CoffeeCupWww@QuestionHome@Com

You might be surprised how much you can do on your own!. If you purchase Microsoft Office, each of those products can export to HTML!. Powerpoint might be a good option for creating a slide show on the web!.

Professional web design and development can get quite pricey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate to say it but it might be worth your while to spend a bit of money and get someone to do it properly the first time!. Get someone who specialises in websites and go with them!.

PowerPoint can be very tacky!.!.!.I used to train people to use PowerPoint and often times people just have no idea of what they are doing or what looks good!.

Otherwise do what the first person suggested by using a templated website!.

Otherwise, buy a book about html and do it yourself, all you need is a text editor, even notepad is fine!.

also try to find out of one of your html savvy friends can help you!. Think about who of your friends and family can do these things for you and then take them out for a burger as payment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hello! I have sent you an email with information!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com