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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much does it cost for senior pictures and where Help?

Question: How much does it cost for senior pictures and where Help!?
It's almost the end of my junior year and i need to go and have pictures taken for my senior small pictures and i dont know where i should go because i dont know what the prices are to most of the places and i want to have pictures done at the best place!. I'm from Dover,Oh a small like hicktown in ohio so if anyone can help me it would be very well needed thanks if you'd rather just talk to me on messenger add me onto yahoo Devious_Shadow69@yahoo!.com thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm doing senior photos this year, packages ranging from 22 to 200 dollars, plus a sitting fee that ranges from 30-100 dollars!. Effects like black and white/blurring/graphic design is 20!.00

I'm a student photographer, but Ive had all of my schooling (just not graduated!.) I only do on location (parks, etc)!.

If you want more info I can send it to you,

email me here Catrinadphotography@yahoo!.com
or visit myspace and friend me here Http://www!.myspace!.com/catrinadphotograp!.!.!.

I'm from canton/massillon, OH btw!. Dover is very nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not from Dover, Oh so I'm not familiar with the photographers out there!.!.!. but I can tell you where you shouldn't go: Sears, K-Mart, JC Penny's, Walmart, Target, Portrait Innovations, etc!. All these places hire amateurs who are good at sales, not photography!Www@QuestionHome@Com