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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know of an artist that has at least two pieces that focus on mortali

Question: Does anyone know of an artist that has at least two pieces that focus on mortality!?
thank you! it's for an art project :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think some of the people who have responded think you mean morality not mortalilty!

I would choose Van Gogh!. He suffered from depression and committed suicide in 1890!. He has one painting in particular called On the Threashold of Eternity which is a depiction of hopelessness and mortalilty definietly!. Aother of his works is called Self portrait With Bangaded Ear painted in 1989!. He cut off his own ear lobe in some sort of seizure!. He was crhonically depressed and I think he is a great subject to study for mortality, because he himself was suffered from mortalilty, but he is forever immortalised in his work that so eloquently demonstrates his struggle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Hieronymus, or Jerome, Bosch, b!. c!.1450, d!. August 1516, spent his entire artistic career in the small Dutch town of Hertogenbosch, from which he derived his nameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I was going to say Hieronymous Bosch!. He's known for portraying man as evil and corrupt in his work!.!.such as "Christ Carrying the Cross," a painting depicting the death of ChristWww@QuestionHome@Com

da vinci did some religious stuff!.!.!. the last supper, and a few others that i can't think of right now!. i guess those would constitute mortality!.
if you have to do a report on the artist or something, he would probably be your best bet!.
or if you have to draw, those paintings wouldn't be that hard either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com