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Position:Home>Visual Arts> If I place (C) Copyrights all rights reserved on my photos, is that okay?

Question: If I place (C) Copyrights all rights reserved on my photos, is that okay!?
I do own the rights to the photographys I take, but I want to make sure that i'm placing the right text on my images!. I'm watermarking my photos this way so that no one can steal them!. Can anyone explain to me how long I have ownership rights of my photos especially the ones that I post online with copyright on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If someone takes your image and sells it as there own and you have not registered the copyright with the U!.S!.Copyright office you will have a hard time trying to fight it in court!. This is the only way you can truly prove it is your image!. You might still win but it will be a lot harder and a longer process to resolve!.

Images are stolen all the time on the internet but unless you see it used you won't really know!. Watermarks can help but someone can retouch it out if they really want it!. If you are not from the U!.S!., check your countries copyright laws for the right answer!.

You already have too many conflicting answers to your question here so check the laws to get the facts and not a bunch of "opinions" here!. They won't hold up in court if you get screwed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need to register the copyright before that (c) means anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it was a good idea to copyright them i think you get a year but you can get one that last for 5 years instead of a c!. it is a p!. and it is very cheapWww@QuestionHome@Com

putting copyright on is fine!.!.!.!. it hold up in the court of law! Watermarking them is a good way too!. Just research copyrighting so you know your rights completlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

When placing a (c) for copyright on your images, this means nothing unless you actually registered the image!. Other than that, you can just put your name in a corner, making it difficult for someone to pass it off as their own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Though it is true that unless registered, an image can't be claimed, there are certain gimmies with respect to intellectual properties!. The image, is yours, automatically!. That is, if you can prove your camera took the image!. The EXIF will prove that for you!. Otherwise, a (c), or ? (alt + 0169) will be sufficient for most situations!. It will not stop folks from stealing your images though!. If put on the public domain, they are accessible to anyone, and can be right clicked regardless of watermarking or intellectual property!. But, if your images are used in a manner that displeases you, or takes away from the context of the image as far as it concerns you, the artist, a copyright whether registered or not will be the best way to defend yourself and to have any leverage in court if neccessary!. Your name, watermarked on the image will prevent people from passing it off as theirs, at the very least!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

honestly, WHY does it matter if anyone "steals" them!?!?!?!? some one might be using it for a school project!!! but ok!.!.!. go ahead and water mark them! they ARE your pics after all!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com