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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Creative ideas for art project about anorexia?

Question: Creative ideas for art project about anorexia!?
Im making a 3D project of a steriotypical anorexic!. I can use any mterials and it can be any size, no boundries except it has to include at least one casting of a face!. it can be anything from a collage to a statue!. give me some ideasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Use wire for a scupture material and make the face out of plaster bandage over a mould, but I'd put the face on the back of the head to symbolise that anorexics don't see them selves accurately!. Or I'd do 2 figures staring at eachother through a mirror frame with no mirror, but mirroring poses, one is sleletal and one is fat, symbolising the truth and the fictionof the anorexics delusion!. Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com