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Question: Candle making experts out there!?!?
I need to pour alot of wax into a wooden bowl!.!.!. to basically make a structure I can make a latex mold of!.

Lets see if I can make this make sense!. I need to end up with a rather large round object made of resin!. So I bought a bowl that would work perfectly!. Problem is I need to make a mold of the interior of the bowl with a rubber mold compound!. That isn't going to work!. So I'm going to fill it up with wax!. pop the wax out, and make a mold of the bottom of the wax!.!.!. which would then be the same shape as the interior of the bowl!.

Problem is I've never used wax before, so I was hoping some candle makers or something of that nature could help me!. How do or what do you use to get wax to come out easily a mold!? A wooden mold!?!? So basically what is a good mold release!. Any insight could be helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should make sure the container has no ridges!. Ridges will prevent the removal of the candle because the melted wax dries in the ridges!.

Always make sure the container is wider at the top than at the base and oil the mold with vegetable oil to allow for easy removal when wax has dried!.

You should also work very carefully when removing your candles from their molds, this is the part where it might be damaged and you will have to start all over again!. also make sure that the wax is thoroughly dried!.

When your candle is dry you must turn it upside down and then lightly tapped on the bottom of the mold!. If the candle still won't slide out you can lightly insert a knife between the candle and the mold or you can put the mold in some hot water that causes the outside layer of the candle to melt a little and it would slide out easily!.

Hope this will help you!. You can also find out more about melting the wax, the temperature and all about making candles at:Www@QuestionHome@Com