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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Tips on how to draw hands? Please help!?

Question: Tips on how to draw hands!? Please help!!?
I'm drawing anime and i'm have the hardest problem with drawing hands!. I seriously need some help!. Could anyone give me some tips or list some websites that could help me draw hands in diffrent positions and such!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everyone who's learning to draw people have a hard time drawing hands!. The problem is they are complex, so many joints and etc!.

The easiest way to do this is remember what hands look like!. That sounds stupid but it's true!. My advice is look at your hands all the time!. Look at other people's hands from different angles!. Seriously, memorize what they look like from the front, side, back, etc!. The best pose to memorize is what do hands look like when they are at rest, at your side and not doing anything!. Memorize this from front, back, and side!. Draw a hand from these angles as well to help you remember the positions that the fingers take!.

While you are doing this, find pictures on the internet of hands in different angles and poses!. Now start tracing them, drawing them freehand, or just drawing over them with a simple 'stick figure' hand!. This will help you logically put the hand in 3d space in your head!. Keep doing this a lot, and I mean a lot!.

What you can also do is break the hand down into simple 3d shapes and draw these same drawings that way!. That will also help you remember how to draw the hands from any angle!. Eventually, you will start to remember what hands look like all the time and you can start drawing them freehand no matter what!.

Now trust me on this, you will still use pictures as reference no matter how long you draw and no matter how good you get!. But it will be easier to understand the reference pictures you look at and you'll be able to draw them really fast!.

The problem is drawing them proportional to the rest of the body!. I still have problems with that!. Just always remember as you are drawing the hand, keep looking at the rest of the picture to make sure your hand is the correct size in relation to the rest of the body!. Personally, I use photoshop so I don't worry about it anymore, I just draw the hand and then resize it to the figure that i want!. But if you're drawing on paper you can't do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Drawspace has pretty good drawing lessons, one of them is on hands!. You have to register on the website to see the lesson though!. It's free!.
