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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you get the date a picture was taken on to show on the printed picture?

Question: How do you get the date a picture was taken on to show on the printed picture!?
I have "Printshop 22" is there something on there that does this!? If not, what can I use!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some software that you can purchase if you need to have the timestamp added in to a photo or many photos!. One of the ones I have seen can be found here:


The software will take the timestamp from the EXIF data in your photo and add it to the picture!. also it will allow you to specify batches at a time, in case you have hundreds of photos which need time stamps done to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am unfamiliar with Printshop 22, but if it is like most photo editing software, there should be a text function where you can type in any date you want!. I don't think this is what you are really asking though!. No software is going to automatically print the date onto the photo!.

Photos that have the date on them have that done in camera!. Most point and shoot digitals can be set to do it, but even then, usually only at smaller sizes and resolutions!. also, many 35mm film cameras could be equipped with a "data back" that would imprint the date onto the film negative!. I know of no digital SLR that will imprint the date, though there might be one that will do it, but again, it would only be at a smaller resolution!.

Date imprinting is considered a "snapshot" function, not a part of serious photography, thus it is usually not available at the higher resolutions on digital cameras!.

If you have a point and shoot digital, look in your owners manual and it will tell you if you can set it to imprint the date onto the photo in one of the menu options!.


I don't see a way to automatically do this with that software; however, there is a way to force feed it!. Go to the photo editing menu and select the text tool!. Enter the date the picture was taken and place it wherever you like on the photograph!. Make sure you pick a text color that will not blend in with the background (i!.e!. white on black, etc!.)!.

SnipClik claims to date-stamp your photos, but I have never tried it!. See link belowWww@QuestionHome@Com

you can with printshop!.!.!. but its a pain in the butt!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com