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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone please rate my artwork?

Question: Can someone please rate my artwork!?
i had a kind of burst of inspiration the past couple of weeks and I was wondering if these can be considered art or just silly drawings!. Thanks so much for your help!

Please no nasty comments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the way you are working with black and white fields!. I would recommend to experiment a bit more with these drawings!.

All the examples show how you are working on reducing lines to find what is essential in a face!.
In the last example, I like the way you reduced the nose to merely an underline and a hint of a nostril!. In the same way I would reduce more areas!. Separate the hair from the neck, it feels a bit too dense!.
Do you really need to draw around the whole face!? Do you need to draw the whole mouth and eyes, or can you reduce it like the nose to just some essential lines!? Sometimes you need to redraw things on tracing paper to find what works better!. How far can you reduce the elements, before it "falls apart"!. Can you do the same with the neck, the flower!?
At the moment there are many thick lined areas!. If you want to draw attention to f!.e!. the eyes, then I would tone down other areas, or whatever you would like to express!.
I am curious about your progress!. Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Study facial structure!.!.if you don't know where the bones and muscles are you cannot draw accurately!. There are excellent publications available!.!.!.use them!. Get the details correct before you try to distill to the essence!.

You need to develop skills to go with your desires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow i really like your composition!. Your drawing style is really awesome!. I love the contrast and my favorite one would be the second one!. The one critism I have is that maybe you should go more ito detail on the faces so the expession of the faces can can come out more!.
I give your artwork an 8!. Its really good but you might want to expand on your creativity!. Please continue to draw! You have a beautiful gift!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I could I would buy that last one from you!. I absolutely love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice! I like em 'all! Let's see!.!. i'd rate them a 8 outta 10!. 10 being the best!. They sorta remind me of 20's flappers! Keep up the good work :-) I also like black and white artwork that uses lotsa ink and details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com