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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Like this drawing?

Question: Like this drawing!?
Just a quick little doodle but I had to crop something out of it so don't mind the white spot!. Check him out!.!.!.from Preston Blair


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yer it OK but you need to make one with professional pens and stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's great! ^ ^ I can't help but wonder what you had to crop out though!.!.!.!? ; )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Professional pens, by the way, are like the Micron or Faber-Castell brands!. Smooth lines!.

Uhm, possibly improve your butterflies, work a little on your anatomy, and the white part of the body should be a little off more to the right, only 3/4s visible, at most!.

EDIT: Oh, I also can't tell if those are leaves at the end of the branch!. It's hard to recognize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com