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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Looking for history of artist named E.W. Hastlehust?

Question: Looking for history of artist named E!.W!. Hastlehust!?
country side with farm!. appears to be a watercolor painting!.
artist was originally from scotland!. born there in late 1800s and died sometime in the 1900s!. rustic wood frameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hmmm, first off, i think you're misspelling his name!. so far all i can find is a tad bit of info on

E!.W!. Haslehust:

Views of England and Scotland in 1910
Born at Walthamstow in Essex, the eldest son of William Henry Haslehust, of Lee, Kent!. Studied at the Slade School!. A keen gardener, nature lover with an interest in scientific instruments!.
These fascinating colour prints provide a fascinating views of the countryside, villages and towns before the First World War!. Taken from paintings executed between 1910 and 1915!. Published from about 1911 to 1940!.

hope this helps! www!.mimosacreations!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com