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Question: Art project ideas!?
during the summer i need to come up with a few pieces for my portfolio,

are there any websites, or does anyone have any ideas of what i could do!. typical things done in a studio art class!. drawing, painting, pastels, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What's the portfolio for!? An animation course would want something very different from a graphic design or fine arts portfolio!.
Generally life drawing is a huge bonus!. Sketch book work or more developed pieces!. I've herd from a recruiter at a local college that one thing he looks for is figures that don't meet typical beauty standards!. If someone has pages of tall thin women, or muscular suave men then they're probably working from photos, which shows less ambition!. However someone with sketches from the mall, subway, beach, fat, tall, short, old- that shows a true interest in learning, and passion!.
All of your pieces don't have to be picture perfect studio work!. Seeing your thinking process is just as important to recruiters or employers!. A perspective piece is good, but one that shows your foundation and how you work is better!. It shows your thought process and what you know!.
Depending on what area your looking into different mediums could be a bonus!. Versatility is definitely an asset!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I say do a little bit of everything material wise, but also have a still life, landscape, self portrait etc!. Because the people who are viewing your portfolio are looking for variety in techniques, the way the material is used etc!. Typical things aren't bad as long as you master it!. That's what the judges who judge students portfolios are looking for!. You can still add your own personal touch, style, technique but stick to the basics!. I'm saying this because I've done a portfolio before and I've personally spoken to a judge before who gave me one on one feedback!. Honestly anyone can make up **** and call it art but to master the basics that takes time and talent!. SO do the typical studio art projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life drawing: various human forms at various stages of life including fat, thin, old and young, male and female, public and posed

Still life: perspective, composition, light, shape

materials: pencil, charcoal, conte crayon, pastelWww@QuestionHome@Com