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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need help coming up with a Safety Logo....please read.?

Question: I need help coming up with a Safety Logo!.!.!.!.please read!.!?
My company is having this Summer Safety Campaign, and I need to come up with the Logo!. It's a trucking company; does anyone have any ideas!? If so, please let me know on here or send me an e-mail, and I will give you my e-mail address!. Thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why don't you search existing logo sites to get ideas!?

Here are some to try -
Logo Search - http://www!.logo-search!.com
LogoMaid - http://www!.logomaid!.com
Web Design Elements - http://www!.webdesign-elements!.com

Here is a good summary of What to Look for in a Logo - http://www!.developer-resource!.com/what-t!.!.!.

This is a more in depth article -
What Makes a Good Logo - http://www!.small-business-software!.net/g!.!.!.

And Building an Image with a Logo - http://www!.small-business-software!.net/l!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com