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Question: Computer class logo!.!.!?
i need to make a cool logo for computer class about anything does anyone have any ideas about anything that just pops out kinda anything examples ( nike puma adidas)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I once had an idea for a nike ad, it was: The way sand looks when its run over by bikes and nike shoes and cleats, it leaves this imprint when its wet!. In those imprints is bright liquid like neon green or flourescent pink!. Looks like stone with stuff in it, that reminds you of sweat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love the old british telecoms logo!.!.it's a man playing a pipe the image is half red and half blue, represents blood in and outside the body and the line down the middle is a signifier of a 'lifeline' which BT claim to be offering with their phone service!.


also like Element skateboard logo
Whatever you choose keep it simple!. These are the most effective as they are the boldest and easiest to remember enhancing their effectiveness!.

Enjoy it whatever!.!.sounds like fun to me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some articles that discuss the details of slogan writing!. Why certain slogans work and why some don't!. You will find these helpful in writing a new slogan!.

A Look at Slogans - http://www!.small-business-software!.net/l!.!.!.

Unique Selling Proposition - http://www!.small-business-software!.net/u!.!.!.

As far as logos why don't you search existing logo sites to get ideas!?

Here are some to try -
Logo Search - http://www!.logo-search!.com
LogoMaid - http://www!.logomaid!.com
Web Design Elements - http://www!.webdesign-elements!.com

Here is a good summary of What to Look for in a Logo - http://www!.developer-resource!.com/what-t!.!.!.

This is a more in depth article -
What Makes a Good Logo - http://www!.small-business-software!.net/g!.!.!.

And Building an Image with a Logo - http://www!.small-business-software!.net/l!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com