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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Have professional photographers all gone digital?

Question: Have professional photographers all gone digital!?
In today's world of digital photography, is it necessary 4 professionals 2 use "old fashioned" film & dark rooms!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To be honest with you, I still use my Nikon N90s, in house (studio work); my personal opinion, it's the best camera Nikon ever made and all of it's features should be incorporated into a Digital N90s-digital!. Now I do use digital when I am on the move, shooting events, and special projects!. I Have four digital camera that are capable of video and photo!. And the genie in the bottle is I can take stills on video film and/or the media card!. These cameras are ulta-expensive, but with HD it is well worth the expense!. I recommend Sony Digital Camcorders!.

I suggest you use what ever tools you currently have at your disposal, as the quality will be equal to digital and perhaps even better as you master the controls of your camera; always keep in mind that lighting and exposure is everything!.
As for the darkroom, have your photos put on Cd's!. This is easy if you have a computer, scanner and photo software!. Work with what you have on hand, before you jump at the most expensive software!. Learn, Learn, Learn!!!

Check out my Yahoo Group page, e-mail me and I'll send the information!. nygerald@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Digital is not the end all solution to all photographic needs!. Film is NOT "old fashioned"!. It is a very viable medium, which is used by many professionals, especially in medium and large format sizes!. I do see that digital is being used for many professional uses such as weddings or newspapers or war photojournalism and such, but that is not necessarily because it is "better" than film, it is just faster and more convenient and can be sent to press almost immediately!. But film is still many times the medium of choice for fine art photography!.


A recent survey finds that approximately 80% of professional photographers still use film at least part of the time!.

Fuji recently re-released their legendary Velvia 50 color slide film!. Kodak recently updated their T-Max 400 B&W film and about a year ago upgraded their Portra films!. Efke recenltly released a new infrared film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. I still have a Nikon N90s and use it occassionally!. There are still tons of medium and large format film cameras out there being used!.

A professional will use whatever tool is best to get the results they need and provide the images the client requires!. Sometimes that might mean using film, transparency film(slides), polaroids, or a Holga!.

Is it necessary for professionals to use old fashioned darkrooms!? I don't and never have!. I use a local pro print shop or www!.mpix!.com
I can tell them exactly what I need(push/pull/cross processing, etc!.) and get prints done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com