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Position:Home>Visual Arts> As a photographer, what's the best way 2 print photos?

Question: As a photographer, what's the best way 2 print photos!?
Photography has always been 1 of my hobbies, but now I am ready 2 take it 2 the next level!. Currently I have a Kodak EasyShare CD33 (34 mm, 3x optical) & I print using a brother MFC-24OC (LC-51 ink)!. Would I be better off buying film & making a dark room or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There will be plenty on here who will disagree with me but the future is digital, I'm afraid film is slowly dieing, and I say that with a heavy heart as someone who was brought up with film and used it for the majority of my career (over 40 years)!.

I think you would be better spending your money on Photoshop and maximising the quality of what you have, it might surprise you!. The Brother printer is not too good any of the recent Epson Photo models would be an improvement!.

With film and particularly darkroom equipment falling in value and if you have the space, a darkroom might be a good idea, but it's not the cheap option!. Just to buy the film and developing the negative is roughly £0!.40p each!. To print 10" X 8" would be another £1!.50 on top of that!. With digital the costs for the 'negatives' is nothing once you have the camera, computer and monitor, (and Photoshop)!.

With film you are working blind (you don't know what you've got till it's processed, except with practice) and it takes time and money to become proficient at it!.

With digital you can see the results of your actions immediately so learning time is considerably reduced, and as I said is free once you have the equipment!. You can go from taking the picture to print in a few minutes, while everything is still fresh in your mind!.

For the future Photoshop skills will be more useful than darkroom skills!.

Even though your 3Mp camera can make a decent A3 print (just), a DSLR would be a good investment, as you grow in ability and experience a DSLR would offer all you need, you would not 'grow out of' a DSLR!.


Yep Do That!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, get ur prints @ WWW!.MPIX!.COM

theyre reasonable

if your serious about photography, get a better cameraWww@QuestionHome@Com

The next level of what!? New camera, level of education, want to start a business!?

I don't really like the quality of any of the ink jet printers on the market!. If you do want to do home printing, then I recommend a dye-sublimation printer!.

I don't print at home or on site, I send prints out to www!.mpix!.com for processing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not been happy with the long term quality of digital pictures printed on ink jets, even with the special papers and inks!. I agree with others who have already posted!. Have your finished pictures processed online!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should 'watch' me on my deviantart website!.
