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Question: Am I a good enough photographer to pursue a career!?
I'm 14, and I suppose I'm slightly good for my age at it, but I know I'm not quite professional yet!. I enjoy it very much!. I like taking pictures of the random things that most people otherwise wouldn't have noticed!. I feel it adds sort of a unique-ness to the photograph!. Not exactly having a main subject, but capturing the photo at ironic angles; knowing all of the basic rules but breaking most of them!. I use a Kodak Easyshare V1233 12mp digital camera!. Do you think I have any skill so far!?
Some of my favorites include the Heart of the ocean, the inside of a water bottle, the up close leaf with raindrops, the crayon picture taken at Chilis, the lighthouse, the star picture frames, the Coca cola, and the bench handle!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You do have a skill for photography and a creative side (I like the different angles that you used) to it!. Your pics are really cool

Just wondering, how did you learn to do this at such a young age!?

If you are truly passionate about photography, see if there are any photojournalism or photography classes you can take in high school (maybe yearbook!? but yearbook isn't exactly all photography) or join a club!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for sharing your pictures!.

You have a good eye and a great understanding of composition!. I have seen plenty of people who call themselves photographers who have less talent!. I think you could easily go pro- if that is what you want to do!.

Remember that, even if you end up doing something else for a living, you can always continue to take great pictures and share your unique point-of-view with others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you look like you have potential, keep practicing and you'll keep getting better!. if you're really interested in photography i suggest you take a course for it!. you learn very good things about angles, lighting exposure and what not!. photography is more than just taking a picture!.!.its the ability to capture those exact moments and put it down on a frame!. =)
good luck to you~Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!. You definetly have talent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi, Your pictures on Flickr!. are very good!. However you need to learn to use the adjustments on your camera!. When you take a picture of anything, like a car, or a house, a cat!. etc!. you have to also see what is around that cat!. the background, the sky, the lawn, what ever it may be and make it part of the picture also!. Adjust your camera dials to include all these things!. As you get better, invest in a better camera!. Try Try and Keep Trying and you will be a pro!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some pictures u took are great and worth a million dolars ( i think) some are worthless (like the cat) lol!. but you have a good angle and position!! also ur really really beautifull!! ( i luv blue eyes) lol !! u would be just as succesfull being a model!!! byyzWww@QuestionHome@Com