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Question: Could I pursue a career in photography!?
I'm 14, and I suppose I'm slightly good for my age at photography, and I like it a lot!. Do I have very much skills at it!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the compositions and creativity of your images!. The career of a photographer is a competitive field and requires lots of knowledge and experience!. Being you are still young, you have an advantage!.

Take photography classes!. Check with your school, local college, even your city recreation or adult ed department!.

Decide what kind of work you want to do and study it!. Find a mentor (a working photographer) and see if you can be an assistant (for free)!. It is hard work but it gets you the on the job experience!.

Fully understand your equipment!. You'll be using many of your camera's features and adjustments as you shoot more challenging subjects, etc!.

Lastly, I find that many people will pay you to shoot for them if you are good and you are cheaper than a working pro!. With that said, you can shoot stuff like pets, kid sports, senior portraits, etc!. and thus build your business along the way!.

I hope this helps!. Good luck to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that you can do anything you set your mind to!. Nonetheless, judging by your photography, I find that you are talented enough to pursue your dream!. Continue practicing and develop ideas for more of your photos!. also, try to learn how to use Photoshop to make what you imagine in your creative mind come to life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my fave 2 were the lighthouse one and the raindrops on a leafWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ill be honest with you, a photography career is VERY HARD to achieve!. You have very nice photos ("I thought this was pretty" is your strongest photo), but in a world of billions of photographers, competition is fierce!.

The best thing for you to do right now is to find a specific style/type/genre of photography that interests you!. Go to www!.blackbook!.com and look at the portfolio's of professionals!. Find something you like and focus energy on that!. Your high-school newspaper should have photographers as well!.

Good luck!.

PS!. Cant be a pro without photoshop skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can definitely sense creativity from looking at your photos (which I like) and if you set your mind to it, you can do anything you want to!. Continue practicing by taking photos all the time!. Start getting some photography books (you need to learn the basics of a camera obviously), but start off on general photography!. If you're interested in a certain type of photography, say portraits, read books about portraits, and study other portraits in books, online, magazines, anything where you can find photos!. In high school, see if your school offers a photography class and take it!. My high school had only one class, but it was better than nothing!. If they do not offer a class, see if your local community offers any workshops on Photography!. If possible, when in high school, see if any local community colleges offer photo classes as well!.

All and all just keep shooting, study books, and do your very best!.

Good luck! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eventually, sure, you could pursue a career in it!. Absolutely!. Are you professionally skilled right now at age 14!? Nope!.

Follow your dreams and your talents!. Maybe photography will be your career and maybe it won't, but you can enjoy it either way!. You don't have to be just "one" thing!. Most people end up "wearing a lot of hats"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should 'watch' me on my deviantart website!.
