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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are some good Universities/Colleges that have good Photography program?

Question: What are some good Universities/Colleges that have good Photography program!?
I want to be a photography or a photojournalist!. Really anything that lets me do the one thing I love!. What are some good schools to go to!? What has the best programs!? Where did you go to school for photography!? Did you major in photography!? What did you minor in!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Grab the March/April issue of Picture magazine!.

They have an article on the top 20 photography schools!. In unranked, alphabetical order here they are:

Academy of Art University, Art Center College of Design, Art Institute of Philadelphia, Bard, Brooks Institute, Boston U, Center for Photography at Woodstock, Creative Circus, D-65, Maine Media Workshops, Miami AD School, New England School of Photography, Parsons, Portfolio Ctr!., Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, School of Visual Arts, NYU, Palm Beach Photographic Ctr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that would deff be art institute of Pittsburgh and the art institute of Phoenix Arizona oh yeah and dont forget where Andy Warhol got famous ccad!! Columbus college of art and designWww@QuestionHome@Com