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Question: Will you sign this petition!?
In 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery and began starving him to death!.

For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition watched, emotionless, the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died!.

Does THIS sound like art to you!?

But this is not all!.!.!. the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of Central America decided that the 'installation' WAS actually art, so Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the Biennial of 2008!.

Let's STOP HIM!!!!!
Sign the petition:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah!. It's disgusting!. I already signed a while ago!. Hw should put himself on display and starve to death!. Or he could always post a want ad on the internet to have someone meet up with him and perform the "art" together!. If someone can request to be eaten by a cannibal, I'm sure Vargas could find a human to participate in his experiment!. The point is, the poor dog can't give it's consent to be involved!. It can't speak and is unable to say no, therefore forced into death!. It's absolutely disgusting and Vargas needs to realize that!. Where is his empathy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone could tie Guillermo Vargas Habacuc upside-down from a pretty chandelier and have all the lame visitors splash various colorful paints on him, until eventually he dies!.

Maybe that should be the 2008 exhibit!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!! stop this cruel idiot!!!!! Animals are not to be treated in this manner someone should tie him up and watch him starve to DEATH!!!!! absolutely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com