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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Looking for some FREE sop motion animation creating software.?

Question: Looking for some FREE sop motion animation creating software!.!?
I don't have a scanner so I take photos of drawings!. I have a few hundred and need to put them together continuously for a few minute long movie!.
And, I'm not planning to spend any money!. So any suggestions!?

I checked AnimatorDV Simple but the free version will watermark every frame!. I could do without that!.

And thanks in advance!.

btw, my movie is something like this!. http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=7b8SAyRji!.!.!. any idea how this one was made!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're doing old school drawn on paper frame by frame stuff or stop-motion or 2D, I'd suggest MonkeyJam!. It's free!.


If you're on a Mac, use Pencil!.


It only imports vector based file formats (like !.bmp's), so you might have to batch process all your images if they're jpegs!. Or you can use FrameThief, which is now free!.
What are you using!? a webcam, camcorder or digital camera!? digital camera have a sh itload of problems when it comes to stop motion!. They can be overcome, but you need to be aware of them!.

You should check out this site:


it's a message board frequented by stop motion animators who help each other out!. They even have a handbook section with general info on a bunch of topics!.


Let me know if you need more help or info!.

Here are some online resources about the basic principles of animation!.


Paint works REALLY GOOD for making animated photo's i use it all the time in class! but it takes patients! :D then add the photo's to movie maker and viola :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd look here
