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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Anybody else think modern art is kinda crappy?

Question: Anybody else think modern art is kinda crappy!?
Oh look, you put a toilet seat on the wall!. Obviously this speaks to the water we waste everday and has implications for global warming!. You must be a genius!. This took a whole lot of skill!.!.!. if skill is going to home depot, buying a toliet seat, and putting it on the wall!.

I love classic paintings and sculptures, which took an enourmous amount of skill and dedication!. New avante guard art though seems shallow and yuppyish!. Comments!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is crap as well!. I saw a hole on a canvas and i was very insulted that sold more than a sketch which was so well made!. It sucks that art has lost its face value and is more in symbolism now, which makes no sense cause art usually means something is suppose to look good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the toilet seat is Duchamp and is about 80 years old as I recall so "modern"!?
Artists at this time have more choices and more variety than anytime in the past and to try and throw all of it a garbage can (or toilet) is shallow thinking!.
I just visited the Ft!. Worth Main Street Arts Festival and you can sample the work shown there here
I saw hundreds of examples of art, much of which is not an echo of classic work while showing skill and remarkable imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com