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Question: Can you help me with English Novel!?
The novel that I am reading is called 'Bone Dance' by Martha Brooks!. Now we have a assignment on that and its a group assignment!. but there are five parts of the assignment and each of the group members has to each one!. the chapters that we have to read for this assignment are 1-5!.
I need help with my part!. My part is I have to read chapter 1 to 5!. then I have come up with something creative!. it can be anythig: drawing, comic strip, writing letter etc!. But if anyone of you read the book, please help me out!. I want to do the drawing part, but I don't know what to draw on the basis of those 5 chapters!.
Please help, I really need it!.
If you can't help, then help me by giving me some website that will help me with this, may a website that talks about Bone dance by Martha Brooks!.
PLEASE HELP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This may help: http://www!.bookrags!.com/shortguide-bone-!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com