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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to make a comic strip from my own talent?

Question: How to make a comic strip from my own talent!?
i have to do a final "independent" piece!. i thought either the 'forgotten angel' piece, or another surrealism piece!. the comic was the last choice if couldnt get nothing!. my mom suggested it!. she'd seen my drawings and such!. but the thing is!.!.!.i don't know a thing on how to make a fricken comic out of my drawings!. the only thing i draw is people!.!.!.!.anime-ish appearence and all!. not super effective but pretty good!. i still need work on poses and shading effects!. but i don't think i can do it!.!. i have a title if comics is the term: " a day in the park" and the name of my comic would be : "growing up as an teen rebel"!.!.!.wish me luck!.!.if i have any!.!.!.help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my experience, story is everything!. If the story is really good, people will totally forgive your lack of drawing skills/experience, because they get caught up in the tale!.

Figure out a kick-*** story-line, and you can't help but do a great job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com